Auto Suggestion and Self discipline


A new year usually begins with the start of a person setting new year resolutions to achive. Some people quit smoking, drinking, cursing, or loose weight. These resolutions people create become very hard to maintain without proper auto suggestion, and self discipline. Auto suggestion is the hypnotic, or subconcious acceptance of an idea, through repetitious actions using the five senses. Auto suggestion is what creates peoples perceptions.  Without healthy auto suggestion achieving healthy self discipline is impossible.  A persons senses in there conscious mind, either make it through their brain to their subconscious area to be stored, or they are rejected. Once you make your new year ressolutions you have to do a little work to reprogram your brain to achieve them. The seeds you plant in your senses will grow depending on how your mind sows them. Below is a list of houe to achieve self discipline, from healthy auto suggestion, for success.


1.  No negativity Only Positivity!
2.  Dont you give up! Dont quit!
3. Remove all temptations, out of site out of mind.
4. Eat regular healthy snacks, and meals daily.
5. Dont wait for it to feel right, it will feel wrong, awkward, and uncomfortable, only until you fully reprogram yourself.
6.  Schedule breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself for doing a good job.
7.  If things dont go as planned, forgive yourself, move forward,
and finish what you aim to accomplish.


Hill, Napolen. “Think and Grow Rich” 1937