How To Not Live In Fear


Fear is a question. What are you afraid of, and why are you afraid of it? For centuries religion has placed a boundary on fear. Fear has become a way of life, for many people, who are scared of what each moment will bring. How can anyone be successful at anything, always being scared of what could be. Wouldn’t it be a lot less stressful answering the questions you fear. That way an indiviydual could live their life to its fullest potential. Most people accept their fears as a way of life. This acceptance of fear may be caused from a traumatic situation, or just being taught to be scared.
In the holy bible fear is defined numerous times. First believers are instructed to fear “god”.
Mathew 10:28
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Then believers are instructed to love “god”.
Mathew 22:37-38
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
Then love is defined to not contain fear.well which is write?
1 John 4:18
18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Reading the King James Version holy bible to define any of life questions, would have anyone confused. The bible contains so many contradictions, it creates an atmosphere of fear for life. How can anyone have courage following words that tell you to love, but fear, yet there is no fear in love. Hunh?
Wikipedia defines fear as an emotion, induced by a perceived threat. Fear causes entities to pull away or hide from it. Fear is a survival mechanism which occurs in response to a specific pain, or threat of danger. People usually flee from fear, in a “fight or flight” response. In extreme horrific, or terrifying situations people even sometimes freeze(paralysis).
Fear can be manipulating, or controlling in an individual’s life if allowed. The main way to control ones fears is to learn about them. Once an individual knows why they are scared, and what is scaring them, their fears disintegrate. People who fear “god” have no true concept of reality, because they must imagine he exists everywhere, through faith. According to the scriptures of Mathew, would that not make you fear doing everything, going everywhere, because of an supposed omnipresent dirty. Religion creates an environment in the human mind, making people more scared of things that are not real. These believers are to scared, to even answer the question of why they are scared. Most believers of religion also live in fear of eternal death, if they question their faith. How can anyone overcome fears, if they think they can be punished for doing so. During the time period the bible was written in there were a lot of life’s questions that couldn’t be answered. That is why the bible taught people to reject the unknown. Now thanks to science, and history, there are answers for almost all life’s questions. People should have an understanding that it is ok not to know. Making imaginary answers to life’s questions, only makes more fear of what doesn’t make sense. There is no fear a person can not overcome, unless an individual does not want to overcome it. If people learned more about what they are scared of, their lives would be much better. Fear can cause people to hate, destroy, kill, or be violent, rather than just run away.
So maybe the next time your scared of something, ask yourself why. You my find that your only scared of the unknown. By learning the truth to accept the unknown for what it logically is, your life will be free. The bibles contradictions create fear to make people submit to believe, or oppress people into believing in the faith( imagination). Most believers only believe so they won’t die or go to hell. However, science proves every living thing dies. Science and history both prove how incorrect the bible is as well. Reality can be scary, until you know why it is the way it is. Do not be afraid to conquer your fears.

Sources: holy bible, Wikipedia
